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  2. Payments & Finances

Which countries is Heallist available in?

We strive to create connections between practitioners and clients across the globe. Heallist is accessible to clients in countries supported by PayPal and Stripe, its payment processing partners. Both PayPal and Stripe are leading global payment processors that enables secure and efficient transactions. Therefore, if your country is supported by PayPal or Stripe, you can access Heallist's offerings. 

Practitioners: In order to be able to receive payouts, you will need to create a PayPal Business or Stripe Express account.

PayPal is currently supported in 200 countries, including: 

Algeria Latvia
Antigua and Barbuda Lesotho
Australia Liechtenstein
Austria Lithuania
Bahamas Luxembourg
Bahrain Malawi
Barbados Malaysia
Belgium Malta
Belize Martinique
Bosnia and Herzegovina Mauritius
Botswana Mexico
Brazil Moldova
Bulgaria Morocco
Canada Mozambique
Chile Netherlands
China New Caledonia
Croatia New Zealand
Cyprus Norway
Czechia Oman
Denmark Palau
Dominica Philippines
Ecuador Poland
Egypt Portugal
Estonia Réunion
Fiji Romania
Finland Saint Kitts and Nevis
France Saint Lucia
French Guiana San Marino
French Polynesia Saudi Arabia
Georgia Senegal
Germany Serbia
Gibraltar Seychelles
Greece Singapore
Grenada Slovakia
Guadeloupe Slovenia
Honduras South Africa
Hong Kong Spain
Hungary Sweden
Iceland Switzerland
India Taiwan
Indonesia Thailand
Ireland Trinidad and Tobago
Israel Turks and Caicos Islands
Italy United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Jamaica United States of America
Japan Uruguay
Jordan Viet Nam
Kazakhstan Wallis and Futuna

Visit PayPal for the most up to date list.

Stripe is currently supported in 46 countries, with more to come. These countries include Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States and more. Visit the Stripe website (https://stripe.com/global) for up-to-date information on the countries where Stripe operates. 

If you have any specific questions regarding the availability of Heallist in your country or need further information, please reach out to Heallist's support team. They can provide you with the most accurate details regarding country availability and any plans for expansion.